Friday, October 22, 2021

This is my what is a fraction?

 We have been learning about a fraction like a numerator and a denominator a numerator is the top number of a fraction and a denominator is at the bottom for example here is a picture of my dlo that i made this week.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

4 ways you can do multiplication

we have been learning to do multiplication for example i'm gonna

show how you can do multiplication in 4 different ways here's a picture of how i did mine

Friday, September 17, 2021

kia ora everyone this is my maori god

This is my god hes the god of animals.

We have been learning about our maori gods.
We got to choose who we wanted to make and i picked the god of animals and here's a picture of it.
I'm gonna explain what was easy and what was hard.

1.The easy part was making my god.
2.i didn't really find anything hard.
3.My favourite part was the end of my god were t was finished it looked really cool.

Friday, August 6, 2021

My Alma description

 the task was describing Alma we had to include describing words called adjectives the hard part was not really anything i enjoyed the part when we added the pictures next time i would write more

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

tirrhinosaurus book



i found it easy downloading pictures and i found it hard figuring out how to get the picture in the blog

the tirrhinosaurus lives underground and is really really hard to find you have a 0% chance of finding it the first sign of it was spotted in december 2005 in south africa 
this animal can leaves from tall trees and it can eat mcdonalds and KFC
and grass it is really strong and fast and tall

my next step is to figure out how to do it myself


Friday, June 11, 2021


 We have been learning and making anzac poppy field poster's here is an example. this is mine 

partitive verb poster

 in our class this week we have been learning to use a partitive verbs or bossy verbs.Here is our example of a bossy verb sentence - pour the milk in the cup.Pour in the bossy verb.We had to create a poster explaining what they are,Here is mine.

Monday, February 22, 2021